
Hyundai Elantra 93C66 Mileage Correction with iProg

Q: how can I do correction mileage for a 2011 Hyundai Elantra. can someone help me how I can make a mileage correction for a 2011 Hyundai Elantra?


Hyundai Elantra 93C66 Mileage Correction with iProg 1

Hyundai Elantra 93C66 Mileage Correction with iProg 2
All tools can do this 93c66 eeprom. upa, iprog, xprog, digiprog 3 etc.

Locate chip 93c66 or find a clip adapter from ebay 

Hyundai Elantra 93C66 Mileage Correction with iProg 3

Hyundai Elantra 93C66 Mileage Correction with iProg 4
iprog do this fine and fast
Hyundai Elantra 93C66 Mileage Correction with iProg 5



Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg V87

The other day I bought the IPROG+ v87 clone programmer to correct mileage on a Chevrolet Aveo 93C56. 


The simplest set with 7 adapters. And separately I bought adapters for programming car key transponders (RFID, IR MB) but have not received it yet.

Link: https://www.obdii365.com/wholesale/iprog-pro-with-7-adapters.html

I tried to correct the mileage on my car.

Various adapters are included.
I did not disassemble the tidy, did not solder anything. The programmer has many interesting features. 

Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 1

Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 2

Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 3

Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 4

Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 5

Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 6

Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 7

This is the adapter i am going to change km.


Original mileage: 154,666km

Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 8

Here is the pinout to Chevrolet Aevo 93C56
Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 9

Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 10
Follow wiring diagram to connect iprog adapter with dashboard eeprom IC 93C56
Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 11

iProg clone Read original KM
Very close to original mileage
Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 12

Input mileage desired and write new KM
Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 13

Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 14
Chevrolet Aveo 93C56 Mileage Correction with iProg 15

Mileage was changed to 113,000km.
Install dashboard back to vehicle.